Department of Economics
The management of Bahujan Hitay Jagat Shikshan Sanstha, Gondia has taken a step to start Jagat Arts, Commerce and Indiraben Hariharbhai Patel Science College, Goregaon in such a rural area with graduate programme affiliated to R.T.M. Nagpur University Nagpur. The separate Arts faculty was started in the opening year 1992. The Economics department came into existence in the same year. Dr. V.T.Gajbhiye took charge as head of department and assistant professor in 1994. The one man department has UG course with optional subject Economics.
- Economics
Teaching, Learning & Evaluation
- Black board, LCD, Charts & PPT
- Student seminars, Unit test, Semester test & Annual test
- Extra classes
- Result analysis
Research, Consultancy & Extension
- Publication of research paper
- Paper/ poster presentation
- Conference attended
Audio visual aids
- PC with printer and Internet